Katharina Reitz Brow aka Kay --- Sept. 8, 1931 - May 21, 1980

Ayer Ex-Chief of Police Speaks Out


Anonymous said...

This seems to be the only link working. Because of that film it lead me in the UK to look for further news to see if they found the man who did it. I've not watched the film but know most true stories are one persons view of the truth. If he had anything to do with it know justice has been carried out on him by a far higher authority. But I hope the publicity that the film has generated gets the attention on your Mother's case as you need that answer to begin to heal that justice prevailed. I know my best friend was tragically murdered as a child. And we all suffer that slap in the face of British justice that he got out before what would have been her 18th birthday. I know everyone that knew your mother obviously family more so lost something that day and who ever did that needs to loose their freedom. I hope they get whoever the DNA match is and punish them for their part and anyone else involved. X your in my prayers x

Anonymous said...

I would do the same for my brother. To spend almost 20
Years in prison for a crime you did not commit is horrifying
An officer of the law who is supposed to protect us puts us away for a crime we didn't commit is awful. That Bach character should of been put awAy for life. I hope the waters family is well taking care of.

Unknown said...

Ive seen the movie and it is a horrible thing to happen to that poor woman, but I feel as though if they were not to busy railroading that innocent man they probably would have caught the killer. he or she is probably out there killing more people. I would do the same for my family if innocent. I hope some day the family will get closer!

Unknown said...

I feel sorry for the man who was wrongfully imprisoned and I feel sorry for the poor women but justice will be served one day

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